Monday, February 15, 2010

Home Evening

We had a lovely home evening. All my children wanted to spend the entire evening together enjoying each others company. Alas, alack.....then they tried to decide how they should spend the time together. I have six children at home this evening and none of them want to watch the same movie or play the same game. They did all agree to eat the same treat and they did a thorough job of that. I have suggested that they watch the Olympics, but as in all compromises no one is completely satisfied. But at least the balloting has stopped. Now the boys have gone to watch something of their own in their room and the girls are gently debating the Olympic events that are being broadcast tonight. I hear someone running a vacuum, at least on of my children has found something productive to do. The sweet and long suffering father has gone out to do some snow removal, it relaxes him. I think I will make some hot chocolate and find a quiet corner and savor a moment of solitude.