Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Delight in Fatness

I'm going public! I'm sweet children call me soft. My benevolent husband calls me curvy. I call myself fat and sassy. I don't mind being sassy, but I'd like to be slender. My self image is complicated by the fact that I have three gorgeous daughters to compare myself to every day. I know I will never look like a 16 year old again and I really don't want to, but I would like to be able to see my toes!
So I'm going public and begging your help. I'm going to wean myself from sugar and white flour and I am going to start exercising. My first task is to extract the treadmill from the grip the basement has on it. I am going to use it for at least 30 minutes a day - 5 days a week. I have promised myself one treat a week - a modest serving of sugar or white flour. I know there may be weeks when I have a profound need for a hamburger or a brownie and I don't need any extra guilt so I will allow myself a carefully chosen indulgence.
So I'm asking you, my friends to help me stay accountable. You notice I'm not disclosing my weight - but I will share my weight loss as it happens. Maybe I will even post a picture when I discover my cheekbones again!


  1. I will stop eating the four white things too! We shall starve together!

  2. That's what you say - then you make cookies full of marshmellow, chocolate chips and nuts! I think you want me to stay soft. Well, I only ate half a cookie. I will overcome!

  3. I think that you look just fine, Momma! And, I'm sure that you can see your toes, too. Why, I've seen you paint your toenails, and you can't do that if you don't see your toes. :)

  4. I think this no sugar thing is crazy! And I doubt that you are fat. You are sassy though. I hope you reach your goal good luck.

  5. H I P P O just call me hippo for short. I am not going to cut out the white stuff but I will try to diet. I have heard those words come out of my mouth before. The problem is the things going in my mouth. As for looking 16 again I would take that anyday! When I recently saw you, you looked marvelous! I love you anyway I can get you! P.S. I just made some cookies :)
