Thursday, May 20, 2010

I know it has been awhile since I last posted - too many things going on. Changes are happening all around. One of my sons graduated from college. Another is engaged. One is in the west doing missionary work and wondering if spring will ever come. My parents will be leaving on their mission soon, but they are coming to Virginia!
Here in Virginia we have our spring. The air is already perfumed, I can smell honeysuckle, roses, and some early magnolias. I love it. The beauties around me help me deal with changes that I don't always want to accept gracefully. I read an interesting quote the other day, it said something like this, "One of the main things in life that you should realize is that life consists of getting used to a great many things that are the results of other people's choices, rather than your own."
There are people I love who are experiencing changes that are painful and that is hard. It is hard for me because as a mother I want to make it all better. I want things to be perfect and right. Life doesn't always happen the way you want it or plan it to. I would have thought that with my advanced years I would be more prepared to deal with things. In reality I've found that being older just means I have more people to fret over, worry about, and pray for. And there are that many more people making choices that give me the opportunity to practice gracefully dealing with change.
Oh for the good old days when diapers were the only things that were always being changed at my house!