Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It is spring! We celebrated Easter with blossoms and today as I was walking , I was greeted by the perfume of the first lilacs in bloom. I love the promise of new life, new beginnings, renewal, and fresh starts.
My house is full of flowers and sunshine. I'm doing a little spring cleaning. I confess I'm not a big spring cleaner. For many years we would just move every year or so and I did moving cleaning, so the habit of spring cleaning is a little alien. But I have been rearranging and clearing away, cleaning out and freshening up. It feels good.
As for the diet....now that the peanut butter eggs are off the shelves at the store I will begin again!

1 comment:

  1. Those peanut butter eggs kill me, too!

    I love lilacs. Mmmm.
