Tuesday, November 10, 2009


It seems like I've spent much of my life waiting..waiting for Christmas, waiting for summer vacation,.waiting to grow up and be swept off my feet by Prince Charming. Waiting to be a mother. Waiting for a daughter. Waiting for my little cottage with a porch and picket fence. Waiting for missionary sons to get their calls, waiting for them to come home. Waiting for the bread to rise, for the baby to learn to say "Mama" or to sleep through the night or to walk. I remember hearing a talk once about "The Blue Bird of Happiness" and not waiting for an event in life to be happy. But waiting is still part of life. This week we are still waiting for a mission call. There were some delays that I'm certain I will be calling a blessings later. We are also counting the days (14) and waiting for David to come home. I'm also watching and waiting for my older sons to take the steps that will take them away from the home I've created for them as they begin to create homes of their own. And I'm always waiting for my husband to come home. I didn't wait for him while he served his mission - but I've been waiting ever since.
Sometimes I'm better at waiting than others, the instinct to prepare kicks in and I am filled with energy and drive to accomplish lots of good things. Today I think my body is shifting into hibernation mode and as I wait I am contemplating the changes that are coming and the joys that I've been blessed with in the past. Waiting is part of enduring to the end and sometimes we need to just Be Still and Know that God Is and sometimes we need to
cheerfully run the race before us. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed us with more than one way to wait. And I'm sure I will feel even better about it in a couple of weeks when some of this waiting will just be waiting to be recorded in my journal!


  1. Thank you for posting. :) I'm pretty sure that I am a "waiter" in a sense too, but in a bad sense. :) (I wait because I am lazy.) Mmmm. Waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

  2. Well said. I will try to wait patiently and cheerfully to. Hope his call comes soon I bet the suspense is driving you crazy. Love ya
