Sunday, October 4, 2009

I am home this evening after spending the last two days being spiritually fed.
One special thought lingers with me....

I have wept in the night
for the shortness of sight
that to somebody's need made me blind;
But I never have yet
felt a tinge of regret for being
a little too kind.
(Author Unknown)

So I am going to "go and do something today". Please feel free to share what you have done for someone else today! Right now I have a little daughter who would like a lap to snuggle on - I'm happy to oblige.


  1. I tried to prune a certain, precocious garden as my kindness, but I came away from it feeling bug-bitten as opposed to helpful. :P I'll try again tomorrow. :)

  2. i LOVE to snuggle with my mom
