Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday Magic

Some Monday mornings I can hardly drag myself out of bed. I often feel the need for a day to recover from my Sabbath! I've learned that to insure that my family has a peaceful Sunday -I get to work twice as hard. But today I was ready to get up and get moving. While the sun was slipping over our ancient mountains, turning the whispy clouds from grey to pink, I walked up to campus to meet my sweet Mary and to walk her home from Seminary. William was going on to his music theory class so I had a chance to walk home with my almost grown girl. How sweet to have a daughter who is not ashamed to take my hand, a daughter who seeks me out, a lovely daughter who inspires me to be better. Because of that time with her this morning I am motivated and energized. I find that my positive interactions with my sweetheart and our children rejeuvenate and inspire me. I am going to make time for more one-on-one with my children. They grow up so quickly and they are so very precious. Being a wife and a mother is such a great gift!


  1. How funny! I myself felt similarly inspired this very morning! Fancy that! We must be kindred spirits!

  2. I always get up and wait until the computer is free to see "Plumfield Whimpsy" it alays cheers me up

  3. What a cool picture. I agree Sunday is hard, but family does seem to make any hard thing easier to handle. Everytime I go home for a visit I come back to school ready to do my best. Love ya have a good week.

  4. Your morning sounds magical. Mine was full of cleaning and scrubbing and then Britt and I went and cleaned laundry rooms our job back! I am gonna make cookies in a're welcome to have some!

  5. cookies are just Great you should make some cookies and put pictures of them on your blog samee

  6. I just wanted to let you know that I adore your blog and that we should see if sometime in the not-too-distant future we could par-tay? :)
